Tomato passata day – online class

Tomato passata day – online class


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Tomato passata day

Preserving and pickling are in my blood. I am mad for good preserves and pickles and I hope to share my love and enthusiasm with you here in this tomato passata day online cooking class.


My aim in this tomato passata day class is to give this wonderful age-old practice of preserving a truly contemporary feel. I hope is that preserving can become a pleasurable part of your life, as it is mine.

We live in a world where many fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Fruit and vegetables that are not in their season are flavourless and may have gone through extra processing or stored in high energy storage to make it seem as though they are fresh.

For the future of our planet, it is important that we don’t support this through our buying choices.

Preserving is so much fun and it allows us to enjoy the foods we love when they are not in season. Preserving offers practical ways to eat seasonally, it reduces kitchen waste, it avoids preservatives and additives and means we are cooking from scratch which is what my food philosophy is all about.

Tomato passata day

Preserving tomatoes 


I am sure you all remember that life-changing moment when you tasted a tomato for all that it is. That tomato that was bursting with flavour and it took you to a happy place. How magical it is that food can do this for us. You can almost taste the sun and summer heat with each bite.

The tomato season typically is from late Spring to Early Autumn. A tomato that you buy outside of these seasons will not taste as a tomato should. They have also likely travelled a great distance and contain nowhere near the nutritional value of a tomato that is in season.

So today, let me welcome you closer into the family as we enjoy our annual tomato Passata preserving day.

What’s included aside from a fantastic feast and a wonderful cooking class & experience? 

  • A clear ingredients list & equipment will be emailed 7 days prior to your class date.
  • A small list of the basic equipment you will need will be emailed 7 days prior to your class date. You can make do with what you have at home. If you do have a food mill at home or one that you can borrow or that you wish to purchase, you will benefit from having this in the class. If you feel you’d benefit from buying a couple of specialised preserving equipment after the class, at least you will be better informed.
  • You will need a few preserving jars and more specific details will be sent your way upon booking.
  • Simple instructions on what to do in advance to get the most out of our live online class. Please note that if you would prefer to attend the class as an observer and tackle your preserving in your own time, this is totally fine.

On the day of the class, you will receive an email containing the recipes.

The class will include a link to the live Zoom cooking class.

Simple instructions on how to download zoom will also be included as well as what to do and expect once you are in our zoom online class.

If you do have a food mill at home or one that you can borrow or that you wish to purchase, you will benefit from having this in the class

Important to note

Your login name with Zoom should be the same as your booking name so we can identify those coming into the online class as our wonderful customers.

Click here to see all online classes or all in-person classes on offer at Relish Mama.


This class is open to all who would like to sign up. The cost is $69 or free if you are a subscriber and member of the RM Cooking Club. Places are limited.

Out of stock

Tomato passata day – the live class date has now sold out. 

Preserving and pickling are in my blood. I am mad for good preserves and pickles and I hope to share my love and enthusiasm with you here in this tomato passata day online cooking class.

My aim in our tomato passata day class is to give this wonderful age-old practice of preserving a truly contemporary feel. I hope is that preserving can become a pleasurable part of your life, as it is mine.

We live in a world where many fruits and vegetables are available all year round. Fruit and vegetables that are not in their season are flavourless and may have gone through extra processing or stored in high-energy storage to make it seem as though they are fresh.

For the future of our planet, it is important that we don’t support this through our buying choices.

Preserving is so much fun and it allows us to enjoy the foods we love when they are not in season. Preserving offers practical ways to eat seasonally, it reduces kitchen waste, it avoids preservatives and additives and means we are cooking from scratch which is what my food philosophy is all about.

Tomato passata day– the live class date has now sold out. 

Preserving tomatoes 

I am sure you all remember that life-changing moment when you tasted a tomato for all that it is. That tomato that was bursting with flavour and it took you to a happy place. How magical it is that food can do this for us. You can almost taste the sun and summer heat with each bite.

The tomato season typically is from late Spring to Early Autumn. A tomato that you buy outside of these seasons will not taste as a tomato should. They have also likely travelled a great distance and contain nowhere near the nutritional value of a tomato that is in season.

So today, let me welcome you closer into the family as we enjoy our annual tomato Passata preserving day.

What’s included aside from a fantastic feast and a wonderful cooking class & experience? 

  • A clear ingredients list & equipment will be emailed 14 days before your class date (or when you book if within the 14 days of class).
  • A small list of the basic equipment you will need will be emailed 14 days before your class date. You can make do with what you have at home. If you do have a food mill at home or one that you can borrow or that you wish to purchase, you will benefit from having this in the class. If you feel you’d benefit from buying a couple of specialised preserving equipment after the class, at least you will be better informed.
  • You will need a few preserving jars, and more specific details will be sent your way upon booking.
  • Simple instructions on what to do in advance to get the most out of our live online class. Please note that if you would prefer to attend the class as an observer and tackle your preserving in your own time, this is totally fine.

On the day of the class, you will receive an email containing the recipes.

The class will include a link to the live Zoom cooking class.

Simple instructions on downloading zoom will also be included as well as what to do and expect once you are in our zoom online class.

Important to note

Your login name with Zoom should be the same as your booking name so we can identify those coming into the online class as our wonderful customers.


This class is open to all who would like to sign up. The cost is $39. Places are limited.

Click here to see all online classes or all in-person classes on offer at Relish Mama.

Testimonials and Reviews

Thanks, Nellie! It was a lovely class and the food was delicious! -Kim

This was my first online cooking class, and it was fabulous. I wondered how a zoom class might work, but Nellie, you did an amazing job. There was a bit to do in the time but the end result was really worth it. The food was amazing. I reckon you always know when you have cooked something special. You’re still talking about it the next day. I can’t wait til the next one! -Rudy

I wanted to say a BIG thank you for yesterday’s class. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and it was delicious! I have been asked to make the Thai dishes again for my partner’s birthday already 🙂 -Jo

I had the best time !!! Thanks Nellie.  -Carolyn

It was so much fun, Nellie; thank you so much. Everyone should do this! -Sally

Event Details

Phone: 03 9553 4846


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