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How to deseed a Pomegranate  the right way

How to deseed a pomegranate, How to deseed a Pomegranate  the right way

Have you ever wondered how to design a pomegranate correctly? I’d love to show you how.

How to deseed a pomegranate, How to deseed a Pomegranate  the right way


How to deseed a Pomegranate  the right way

Cut the very top off the pomegranate. You will remove the top as if it were a lid. Visually, you can see the inner workings of the pomegranate and that it is segmented.

Cut the pomegranate into its natural segments but don’t cut all the way through to the end. We want to open the pomegranate without fully separating the segments.

Remove the white membrane centre core you will find in the centre and discard. If any seeds/arils are stuck to it, gently remove them and keep them.

Grab a large cooks bowl and a wooden spoon and gently tap the back of each pomegranate segment with the back of the wooden spoon. There will soon be nothing left but the pomegranate rind and membrane, which can be discarded.

You will now be left with a bowl full of gorgeous pomegranate jewels. If you have some white membrane pith in your bowl with the arils, you can pick these out if there are only a few & discard them. If there are more than a few, add a little water to the bowl and gently agitate. This will force any membrane up to the surface, and you can scoop these out. Then drain the arils.

Store the pomegranate arils in an airtight container for up to a week. Use in main dishes, salads and even sweets.

To freeze, lay out on a lined baking tray in the freezer and freeze for one hour. They are then ready to transfer into a container or zip lock bag and freeze for up to 6 months.



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How to deseed a Pomegranate  the right way






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