I am writing this all in a bit of a hurry. Why? Well it’s certainly not because I don’t want to write this, I adore my time at my desk. Writing always feels like such an indulgent treat for me. I have ‘my pace up’ because my Mother & Father In law are, quite literally, about to arrive on our door step from Tasmania & well, there is a little bit to do. I had a really frantic work day – really frantic (we all have them) but echoing in my head, for the most part, was what our youngest daughter ‘Ettie’ hollered to me as she gave me one of the best kisses she could muster as she said good bye for school this morning…….”Mum, don’t forget to cook Ma and Pa something sweet. They like to have something lovely with their cup of tea”. You know what, she is so right. They do indeed but this came from nowhere, well that’s not entirely true – this came from Ettie’s heart. I am sure she didn’t receive any secret phone calls from her Grandparents with special requests (I don’t think she did!!) and of all the people in our life, it is both sets of our parents that would never expect or want us to go any trouble for them but of course, it is people like this that make you want to go the extra mile. Do I iron sheets? Never! But I have for them. Fluffed up their pillows – you betcha! I guess though that it comes to no surprise to you that the one thing I really love to do for them is to cook them something lovely. Something that lets them know I really love them. They are not foodies and no this is not me being awful, this is me, maturing and realizing that not everyone in the world thinks about dinner as there are eating breakfast! My Mother and Father In law would be happy and grateful for the simplest of dishes and I do mean that – they would be sincerely grateful and all the while telling me not to go to any more trouble. I know I am blessed to have married in to this loving family all those years ago and I think we ‘get’ each other more and more as the years go on and I have such a respect for them and their love for us and each other. There is a whole host of stories I could offer up here that would make you appreciate them and possibly fall in love with them too. Like a few years back when my Mother In law donated her kidney to my Father In law – a major operation that 100% saved his life. They were one of the first successful kidney donor operations of it’s kind in Australia where the donor was not a blood match. I wont tell you any more because they will tell me that I have gone to too much trouble. Fussed too much over them. Just take my word for it, they are good folk and this is my something lovely that they can enjoy with their cup of tea. I hope they and Ettie are pleased.
South American Chocolate Fudge truffles
aka – Mother and Father In law Chocolate Fudge Truffles
These are full of the good things – real ingredients. Just the way I like it!
1 x 400g tin of sweetened condensed milk
3 tablespoons of cacao (unsweetened cocoa) – I love the organic ‘eco’ brand cacao
40g unsalted butter
150g best quality dark chocolate
150g good quality dark chocolate sprinkles – for rolling
Pour the condensed milk in to a heavy based saucepan and add the cacao and butter. Stir over a medium heat to combine and until it starts to simmer. Add the chocolate and then reduce the heat and stir continuously for 10-15 minutes until thick and very fudge like. If you don’t keep stirring, your fudge will stick to the bottom of your pot and likely burn. Spoon onto a heatproof tray or silicone mat and set aside for 10 minutes at room temperature before transferring to the fridge for 15 minutes. Either break off or scoop pieces of the fudge and shape into balls before rolling between your palms to form circles. Roll each ball in the delicious chocolate sprinkles. Keep in the fridge for up to 3 days but bring them back to room temperature (approx. 15-20 minutes out of the fridge) to really appreciate the full flavor or these little gems.